Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So, its been about two weeks since my first post. Quite a few things have happened. I finally got my real meal plan from the Dr. and I've lost 7.5 pounds so far!! I've been exercising everyday, this is a huge victory for me. I've even stopped to use the restroom at DQ without buying ice cream, that is like an addict going to a  crack house without buying crack! :) Paul and I have gotten bikes and are ready to start riding in the evenings.

I got free tickets to Ignite Chicago this past weekend and it was a blast! So, many great bands! It was an awesome time, but it also gave me more motivation to lose this weight. I know that I could enjoy things like that more if I weren't so overweight and out of of shape. The good thing is, I was able to stick to my plan the entire time. It was so tempting to not go out to the car to  get my healthy food and just eat what they sold there, but I stuck to it. I did find a grilled chicken sandwich at one of the venders and took the bun off.

So, my goal has been to lose 20 lbs before I go to the  Women of  Faith conference with a few of my girlfriends the last week of Aug. and I am 1/4 of the way there! With God ALL things are possible! I pray everyday that the Lord give me strength to make it through this. I've had to repent for not treating my body as the temple it is. I've put too much junk into it which was slowly destroying it. But, I have discovered since I have started this lifestyle change and have been eating healthy Paul and I have been eating more gourmet meals. Where we would used to get a big mac from McDonalds, we are now creating all of these delicious (low budget) meals.

I'm not going to lie, its not easy. But losing this weight is worth much more than the taste of a blizzard!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fresh Start

So, this is my first blog ever!! If you are reading this, thank you for taking the time to share in my world :) . I have decided to make several changes in my life lately and give back to God what I've allowed to slowly go down hill (health, finances, relationships, etc.) I've decided to start  blogging to keep track of my progress and what God is doing in my life.

I've struggled with my weight since my senior year in college. I've tried every diet out there with little success. When I met Paul (my husband) I was at a weight in which I was happy, then we got engaged and I packed on 20 lbs. As many of you know, a week after our wedding I feel and and was severely injured resulting in bed rest for 4 months and additional 50lbs! Well, its almost two year since our wedding and and here I am 80 lbs heavier then when I met my husband. :( Paul, has been great, never complaining or even mentioning anything to me about my weight, he loves me no matter what.

I've let my injury be an excuse for too long. Looking back, when it first happened I think I might have even suffered from a little depression during that time as well. I gave that over to God and I refuse to let that manifest in my life!

So, here I am 2 years later ready to take back my life! I started seeing Dr. Gonzales, a bariatric specialist, and have committed to working out everyday. It is my second day and I can't wait to see the results.