Monday, August 6, 2012

God is doing a new thing!

Hello readers!! It's been two weeks since my last post. A couple of exciting things are happening. So far, I am down 13.5 pounds! However, it is more than that in fat pounds (I've gained muscle!). Riding bikes aren't really going too well...I kind of forgotten how to ride! So, I'm trying to relearn :)

I've been working on writing our Christmas play for church the past week or so. It is starting to come along well. I am more excited about this script than any other year! (Some of you know what I'm talking about here) God is just pouring these ideas and dialogue into me.

Another thing that is happening but is very early in the planning stages. God called me to do something many years ago while living in South Carolina, it is the reason I moved back to Terre Haute. Life and different choices have gotten in the way of this vision. Yesterday Pastor touched on this and the Holy Spirit brought this back to me. I know I can't do it on my own, that is really the reason I've been putting it off for so long. Fear of failure stole my vision. I'm taking it back. It can't fail because this is God's plan for me. My plan all along has been to teach college and to do my calling part time because I was afraid of not having an income, but maybe God wants me to do his plan full time and teach part time. God's ways are not our ways! You don't always have to HAVE MONEY to MAKE MONEY. When God is in it, you ARE gonna get blessed! I've already spoke to couple of close friends who have agreed to help me make this this vision a reality and I am so grateful for them and excited that they will be joining me on this new journey!

So, that is what God's been doing for me!